I'm Christian Melgarejo, developer from Paraguay. tech-enthusiast, hard-working and self-motivated fullstack senior developer with over many, many years of experience in a wide range of technologies, looking for the next challenge!
Tasked to develop services and apps, from core to web to allow the correct handling the thousands of clients utilizing the platform
Tech stack:
Worked at tyk.io as a consultant engineer, building a Go(lang) based CMS/Portal as the front for their open source API gateway.
Tech stack:
Responsible of the development of the architecture and design (Back and Front) of the system that manages the Addinex patented low-cost medicine dispensing system to prevent prescription drug misuse with:
Tech stack:
Participated on the development of an array of microservices that comprise the backend of the client company. Go, Apache Kafka, OpenAPI spec, PostgreSQL
Part of a team responsible for:
We're Reinventing the traditional logistics! Loogístico is a door to door delivery and package removal company. Each of our deliver are trained to provide the best experience in each service, using the best technologies to increase efficiency and unparalleled customer service.
Building better bots, with reactjs, graphql and go
A platform that organizes stock with QR codes storing their categories, geolocation data and may attachment files, such as manuals, pictures, schematics that can be used by Telco, Gas and water companies.
Checkpoint is best used to track and time check in’s and within those checks, you can have a set of specific activities previously loaded and leave notes on said activities you make. It’s generic enough to make medical visits, pre-sales, sales, technical repairs, etc. and, as one client is using it, to make a check, where the user is an trainer that can mark a traning activity, and can input the list of people that he’s training and in which course/area the training is aiming.
Manage your GPS devices from the comfort of your smartphone! Do you have a GPS TK103 (also called GPS103-A/GPS103-B) or GPS ODBII (AutoGeneral OT08/GPS306A) installed on our vehicle or consider installing it and want to control it without paying monthly fees to a company for it? Here is the solution! GPSManager allows you to load data from your GPS and vehicle and control them with just fingertips and in an intuitively manner!
An opinionated GraphQL server made with Go
Feel free to browse through my Github repos!
These are the stories in tech I wrote so far: